Where did you grow up? Phoenix, Arizona
Hobbies? Avid golfer / Fitness / Woodworking / Muscle Cars
Favorite vacation spot(s)? Cruising / USA Road Trips
What’s your role and what do you look forward to with being an elder/deacon? Elder – Personnel: I look forward to working with the staff / congregation to continue to be a disciple for Christ and this church.
How long have you been at MPC, and what’s your favorite experience at MPC? Been at MPC for 7 years / Loved singing and broadway plays but also just contributing and being part of this amazing community of faith.
Profession? Worked for the Colgate-Palmolive Company for 35 years in many sales & marketing roles (4 relocations) managing teams of professionals and working for 18 years in NYC on Park Ave at the Global Corporate Offices.
Family? Married, 3 kids / 5 grandkids – 2 brothers and mom still with us at 89 YO.
What’s your favorite bible verse/book/or movie? Favorite verse is: Galatians 5-22-23 – Fruit of the spirit
You can go to lunch with anyone on earth right now – who are you eating with? I’m eating with my family and grandkids.
The Most profound book (outside of the Bible) has shaped you or challenged you? MPG – Managing Personal Growth (Actually a seminar) – incredibly profound.
One kind of ice cream. Pumpkin