Elder Updates from April 13, 2021 Meeting
As I wrote about a month ago, I will try and keep you the congregation informed about where the elders of church are leading in.
COVID-19 updates
The elders have spent time praying and discerning the many ways the pandemic effects the life of the church. As the color of the county has moved from the alarming rates of infection in Winter to where we are now – there are changes in the way we shape our Sunday morning worship experience. We continue to meet in person. Up until now, we have had a maximum number of people in the sanctuary set as around 100 people (25% of the full capacity of 100). As of now, the color of our county has changed to Orange and as such, we are able to accommodate 200 worshippers (50% capacity). We are still in a place where we are discouraging singing when are meeting indoors, but are hopeful that will shift soon as well.
Programs Moving Forward
Many of the programs that we hosted pre-pandemic are slowly making their way back on to our campus. We are hopeful to bring our Sunday School program back on to campus beginning in June. VBS will look a little bit different this summer with MPC hosting 7 Tuesdays rather than the traditional week-long VBS experience. And keep an eye out for some fun all-church gatherings happening about once a month this summer.
Congregational Meeting: Sunday, May 16 in-person and livestream
We will making a few changes to our by-laws as well as voting on new elders and deacons. The Nominating Committee has done a great job to identify four elders and deacons to serve starting on July 1, 2021. I hope you can join us for our Meeting so that you can be the first to pray for our incoming church officers.
One Last Thing
Did I mention that we are meeting in person – in the sanctuary – on Sunday mornings?!? I am hopeful that we will begin to see many of you return to in-person worship real soon so that we can begin to reconnect with each other and connect with Jesus all in the same physical space together. Worried that there will be too many people? Thus far, the most number of people we have had present is about 75 which means there is plenty of room to come and have plenty of distance between you and the people around you. Time for the church to gather. Look forward to seeing you there soon.
Keenan Barber, Senior Pastor, (805) 529-8422 x101