Genesis: Creation and Fall
Dave Wilkinson and team will lead an eight week class looking at the creation of the universe, the world and us. The class will meet about 15 minutes after worship each Sunday in Room 11 which is the large room in the Church School building. Each class will last for an hour.
We will look together at the biblical narrative and what it tells us about God, ourselves, nature and one other. We will also look at the Genesis account and modern science.
Marriage Matters Class
Do you like your spouse? If so, then this is the class for you! And if not, then this is also the class for you! Your marriage is important to God, and He’s provided lots of wisdom and practical advice through His Word to help you have the best marriage ever. Join us for this 6 week class as we learn and grow together. The class will be facilitated by Sean Meade, director of youth and families. It will also feature weekly insights from married couples in our congregation. Childcare is available for a small fee. If you cannot afford childcare, some scholarships are available. Please RSVP in advance so that we know how many materials to prepare. Please RSVP Here.
If you have any questions or need to request a childcare scholarship, please contact Sean at seanm@mpclife.org.