It is that awesome time of year that makes me think of new beginnings and new life. It is the time when we move from dreary winters to warm days full of sunshine. It is when we can genuinely enjoy being outdoors, so important in this time in history, without the oppressing summer heat. I love taking long, deep breaths on the days I can open the windows and let the fresh air waft through the house. My dogs can make full use of the backyard space and run and play with each other in the sun and then relax under the trees for shade and rest. It is when baseball season begins. It is when school is finally nearing an end. We see spring break joyfully come and then go just as quickly. It is also when we have spent time remembering Jesus’s death on the cross and then celebrated His victory over death at Easter.
Sometimes I just sit in awe of the beauty God has placed around us. This past weekend the weather was perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky. I had the opportunity to be outside enjoying the beauty of both God’s creatures, great and small, and nature as it begins to bloom everywhere with new life.
I fully admit I can get caught up with all the distress that surrounds us. Again, especially at this time in our history. I have lost friends this year to both Coronavirus and cancer. Many people I know are still going through long term health issues. I see people struggling with relationships and once rock-solid friendships. Financial hardships abound. You already know, life is not perfect. In fact, the only thing that ever was perfect, well, that was Jesus. But when I stop to think about the glorious gift of a beautiful spring day and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy it, well, it makes all of these stresses and hardships just a little bit easier to swallow.
In the end, springtime brings us our biggest hope when we celebrate Easter. As Keenan reminded us in his Easter message, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, he completed our work for us, saying, “It is finished.” He took everything we own to the cross with him…our sins, our struggles, and all of our fears…EVERYTHING!!
We not only serve a God who creates amazing beauty, but we serve a God who loves us so very much that he sent his son to die on a cross for us and defeat death by rising again. I don’t think there is a better time to reflect on the love God has for us and the new life our faith in Jesus brings to each of us than on a beautiful spring day.
So today, go outside, sit in the sun or under the shade and reflect on just how much God loves you as you soak in the beauty of the new life emerging all around you and celebrate that you are given that new life too!
Bonnie Boe, Commissioned Lay Pastor, (805) 529-8422 x102