All Church Carnival Themed Event!
Sunday, September 11 at 10:00am
Moorpark Presbyterian Church
We will be celebrating the kick off of Sunday School and our next sermon series. The entire church, friends, and neighbors are welcome to come and enjoy music, food, games, and more! Come relax and have some fun with us. Wear your favorite festive attire!
Parents of nursery age through 5th grade, please complete the online 2022-2023 Registration Form HERE so we have your updated information on file. We look forward to a great Sunday school season. We worship Sundays at 9:00am. We welcome children (Preschoolers age 3 through 5th grade) to our Sunday school. Children will accompany their families at 9:00am in the Sanctuary and be dismissed during the time of offering to the Children’s Ministry Director and program leaders. Loving and safe Nursery Care is available for our youngest disciples from infancy to age 3, and you can bring them to Room 2 before the worship service begins. For any questions, please contact Kami Fair, Children’s Ministry Director at 805-529-8422 x105. Ministry updates & events HERE.